At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Roborace unveiled its futuristic racing car called Robocar. The electric vehicle is autonomous and will compete in the self-driving racing championship that is scheduled to take place before the ePrix of the Formula E later this season.
Robocar is quite an impressive machine. It features four 300 kW motors and has a top speed of 199 mph (320 km/h). It doesn’t have a cabin for a driver or any safety features, which means that the company was able to keep the weight of the vehicle at a minimum – 2,149 pounds (975 kg). Weight is a very important factor to consider when it comes to these types of vehicles, as it does have an impact on how fast the car can go and how far it can drive before it needs to be charged.
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The car was apparently developed for about a year and comes equipped with the necessary hardware for autonomous driving. It has five lidar and two radar arrays, 18 ultrasonic sensors, two optical speed sensors, six AI cameras, and a GNSS positioning system.
Additionally, it features front-facing cameras as well as a 360-degree camera placed at the back of the car. It is powered by the Nvidia Drive PX 2 AI computing system for self-driving cars, which is capable of running 24 trillion operations a second.The Robocar was designed by Daniel Simon, who is known for creating futuristic-looking vehicles that are used in Hollywood movies.
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