Snap, the company behind the popular Snapchat app loved by millions around the world, is apparently building another hardware product. According to a report from The New York Times, Snap is developing a drone that will help Snapchat users take overhead videos and pictures and then post them online.

For now, most of the details regarding Snap’s new project remain a mystery. There’s no confirmation that the drone will eventually make it to the market. As a lot of companies, Snap might just build and test the product and decide not to release it for some reason. Everything is possible at this point.

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The idea of using a drone for making videos and taking images that can later be shared on Snapchat is a great idea, but one that will mostly appeal to heavy users. Also, the price has to be taken into consideration, as the device would have to be somewhat affordable to really spark consumer interest.

A drone wouldn’t be the first hardware product made by the company. Snap already released the Spectacles sunglasses last year, which are used to record short videos that can be shared on Snapchat. They retail for $129.99, but we expect that the drone will cost more than that if it ever gets released.

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